Archive | September, 2012

Lunch in 5 mins?

29 Sep

Blend leftover beans or canned chili beans with 1 can of organic tomatoes. Add 200-400 ml of water – depending on if you prefer a thin or thick soup. Warm in a saucepan. Season with salt, pepper, chili etc.

If you need a recipe for spicy beans have a look at my blog post about mexican food.

Mexican delight! Easy homemade tortillas with beans and guacamole

26 Sep

Tonight was mexican night at my house. I found out that making my own tortillas was both quick and easy. I made the tortillas into tortilla chips and served it with vegan guacamole, spicy kidney beans and a salad. I always use dried beans, so that means a little planning. I soaked the beans overnight and boiled them in the morning while getting ready for work. Kidney beans need 90 minutes of cooking. Then I only had about 1 hour of cooking in the evening.

This recipe will be good for 4 people.

I started out with the tortillas….

200 grams of spelt flour

50 grams of corn flour

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

4 tablespoons of sunflower oil

1 teaspoon of salt

3-400 ml. boiling water (This is the secret)

(cumin and chili for later)

Mix the dry ingredients. Form a hole in the flour mix and add the oil and the boiling water little by little . Stir with a wooden spoon until the water is incorporated in the flour and knead for 5 mins – add a little more water or flour if needed. Leave to rest for a minimum of 10 mins. Now would be a good time to start on the rest of the meal.

When the dough has rested, divide into 8 balls. Press one flat with your hand and season with cumin and a little chili. Roll into a ball again (see pictures). Use a rolling pin to roll the tortillas out – VERY THINLY. Use a pizza cutter to make the desired shape. Bake on a pan for about 3 mins on each side (no oil). Stop here if you want tortilla wraps. I then used the pizza cutter to cut each into 4 pieces and baked a 200 degrees for another 3 mins until crips.

Let’s get started on the beans…

150 grams dried beans (soaked overnight and cooked for 90 minutes)

1 teaspoon of cumin seeds

8-10 tomatoes, each cut in 6 pieces

2 onions, diced

2-3 cloves of garlic, chopped

1 chili (to taste), chopped

2 red peppers, chopped

Sunflower oil




Toast the cumin seed for 2-3 minutes in sunflower oil. Add the onion and garlic. Add the rest of the veggies. Fry at medium heat for 5-10 minutes. Blend and season to taste. Add the beans. Simmer for 10-15 until the sauce has reduced to a thick tomato sauce.


2-3 ripe avocados

Juice of one lime

Either smash with a fork, blend or process in foodprocessor – depends on how you like the texture for you guacamole.

Serve everything with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and onion. You c Use a vegan sour cream or other vegan dressing – or you can of course use normal sour cream if you eat dairy products.

Please “like” and share on Facebook – and do feel free to comment and ask questions here a well.

Juicy butternut squash curry

15 Sep

Autumn is here! And that means a lot of healthy hearty food with squashes and pumpkin.

Todays juicy dish is a delicious quick and easy thai butternut squash curry. It has very few ingredients and from start to dinner table it will only take you about an hour to make – and you will have more than enough food for 4 people.

Shopping list:
1 butternut squash
10 thai eggplants (or 1 normal eggplant)
2 cans of coconut milk
Half a chili
1-2 tablespoons red curry paste
1 teaspoon of good curry powder (I use a mango curry one)
2 tablespoons Coconut oil for frying
1-2 teaspoons of himalaya salt

250 grams brown rice
500 ml water
1 tablespoon salt

Start off by baking the squash for 10 mins at 200 degrees – this will make it a lot easier to peel and chop.

While it’s baking chop eash eggplant into 6 pieces. Chop the chili very fine and fry chili and eggplant in the coconut oil and curry paste for 5 mins. There’s a lot of different curry pastes. The best ones you will get in a thai/chinese supermarket. Find your favorite 🙂

When the squash is soft on the outside take it out and leave to cool for a bit.

Now would be a good idea to start cooking the brown rice as it needs 35 mins to cook.

Take out the seeds of the squash and dice it up.

Add the butternut squash to the eggplant and chili and add the coconut milk. Season with salt and curry and leave to simmer for 20 mins. A couple of times during this time Smash some of the squash pieces with the back of a spoon to enhance flavor and texture to the sauce.

And you’re done! ENJOY! And please share.

Juicy ‘steaks’ and mash – the vegan version!

9 Sep

Of course this is NOT a recipe for traditional “steak n mash” as I do not eat meat at all 🙂 But as I cooked it, it really looked like beef, so you could try to fool the carnivores of the family with this dish. The mash is a celeriac and cauliflower mash – much healthier than your normal potato kind.

I got inspirered to do the “steaks” when I read a blog called Peas and Thank you. This blogger is blogging about everything for family life and everyday things, but mostly she posts a lot of great recipes. Not all vegan and not all that healthy, but all the recipes are more healthy than what a lot of people would normally eat. For her eggplant burger she used cheese – I didn’t put that in mine, because I’m trying to avoid dairy, but the dish turned out great anyway!

You will only need a total of 45-60 minutes including prepping and cooking to make this complete dinner for 4 people

You need:

For the steaks:

2 large eggplants – peeled and diced 1×1 cm

3 tablespoons soy sauce (Preferably low salt or Braggs)

2 tablespoons of worchestershire sauce

1 teaspoon of mustard

1 teaspoon tahini (Store bought or homemade: Grind sesame seeds in coffee grinder and blend with oil)

2-3 cloves of minced garlic

50 grams of breadcrumbs

Sunflower oil for frying

Fry the eggplant pieces in sunflower oil until soft – smash with the back of the spoon

Combine the rest of the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

Add the eggplant to the mixture and mix well – leave in the fridge for at least 30 min.

While you cool the eggplant mixture make a green salat and get started on your mash

For the mash:

1 celeriac

2 cauliflowers

Wash and clean the celeriac, cut of the skin and cut into small pieces – 1×1 cm. Boil for 5 min.

Cut the cauliflower into smaller pieces as well and at to the celeriac and simmer for 10 more minutes.

Blend the celeriac and cauliflower (Without any water) to a smooth pure/mash. The best blender to use is the VITA MIX.

Season with sea salt.

Make 5-6 patties of the eggplant mixture and fry in sunflower oil for 5 mins on each side

Is it meat? NO! its eggplant burgers - very tasty and much healthier!

Please comment or ask questions about my recipes. I would very much appreciate you sharing my blog on facebook etc. 🙂

Juicy spicy lentils – a delicious, quick and very healthy dish!

4 Sep

Just wanted to share tonights dinner with you – spicy lentils. I used in pitta bread with salat. It would also be good in a tortilla or just on it’s own. It is very quick to make – and needless to say – very healthy.


150g beluga lentils (small, round, black lentils)
3 big red onions
6 tomatoes
6 sundried tomatoes
4 cloves of garlic
Half a fresh chili (or to taste)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cumin

Wash the lentils and boil for 20 min

Chop all the vegetables except one onion and fry for 5 mins in sunflower oil. Add the spices and fry for another 5 min. Blend.

Finely chop the last onion and fry in sunflower oil for 5-10 min.

Add the tomato mix to the pan and add the drain lentils. Fry everything for 10 mins – add a little water if it looks too dry. Taste – and bon appetit! 🙂